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Digital Network

Be Heard


Three interventions

Building teams

Build the trust that underpins teamwork and success, within and across teams.

Leading change

Engage effectively with your staff to lead them through change and keep them motivated.

Telling your story

Shape your reputation so that it supports your business goals, tell your story in a way that cuts through the noise.


Achieve a state of grace

Geyik means "deer" in Turkish.  It represents agility, resilience, natural balance, strong community and emotional intelligence.  A state of grace.


By communicating more effectively you can achieve that state of grace, even in the most challenging of circumstances.  You can lead people through difficult times, help them to work more effectively with each other, and solve the hardest problems.  

Daniel Tarshish, CEO

Communications professional.  Technology leader.  And coach.  More than thirty years of experience navigating complex situations across the world at the UN, the Middle East, Africa, and South Asia. ​


Read more on my LinkedIn Page



David Miller, CEO Azerbazalt

"Daniel is an excellent coach. He has both the professional tools and the personal touch to handle deftly the wide variety of staff issues that are encountered in the workplace... I have witnessed how he can turn around delicate situations a rebuild the self confidence of members of staff."


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